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Juvenile Detention Camp Abuse

Countless minors experience sexual abuse in youth detention centers.
They must be protected.
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Juvenile detention camps should be intended for rehabilitation, not brutal mistreatment. Unfortunately, many children and teens experience abuse from the very staff members and systems entrusted with their safety and well-being.

Were you or a loved one a victim of sexual assault at a juvenile detention center in California? You may be eligible for compensation. Contact our experienced and compassionate legal team today for a free, 100% confidential consultation. No fees unless we win.

The time to file for compensation is limited!



We want to help you get compensated for your suffering. Please answer the following questions to see if you may have a case.

Were you or a loved one a victim of sexual abuse at a juvenile detention center in California?

*The information you send is 100% confidential.

Teen Detainee Assault Lawsuit:
Exposing the Horrors of Juvenile Camps

Many juvenile detention centers have been exposed for their inhumane treatment of children. In just the past few years, numerous reports have revealed systemic abuse, often in the form of physical and sexual assault. These camps can be filled with dangerous environments where staff members inflict severe pain and suffering on minors, who are often too scared to speak up or make their voices heard.

According to a Los Angeles Times report, many of California’s active and closed juvenile camps are accused of sexual and physical abuse of minors by guards in their facilities.

In fact, more than 10 California juvenile probation guards have been convicted of crimes for inappropriate conduct involving current or former child probationers — including several cases of molesting or beating children in their care.

Teen Detainee Assault Lawsuit

Even after two decades of the Prison Rape Elimination Act’s implementation, questions remain as to whether this unprecedented law has been successful in its mission to bring an end sexual assault and abuse in prisons — including those housing juveniles.

Under the PREA, children who are victims of sexual assault during their stay in custody have access to a variety of reporting options, including verbal communication with the detention facility and submission of an anonymous report or written document. Moreover, many institutions offer hotlines for those wishing to submit confidential reports anonymously.

For victims of sexual abuse in juvenile detention centers, seeking justice can begin with filing a lawsuit. An experienced attorney can help survivors seek reparations for their pain and suffering and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

Although the law aims to protect juvenile detainees, cases of sexual abuse in detention centers are still prevalent. It’s essential that facilities have a strong set of policies and regulations established to prevent such occurrences and that staff is educated on how to recognize and report any situations they witness. Moreover, survivors must be given access to counseling or other aid services for their recuperation from the trauma caused by these awful events.

But what if the system itself is flawed, and the very institution that is tasked to take care of teen detainees is turning a blind eye to the violence or, worse, causing it? This is not only a violation of the federal mandate, but also a grave infringement on human rights.

For victims of sexual abuse in juvenile detention centers, seeking justice can begin with filing a lawsuit. An experienced attorney can help survivors seek reparations for their pain and suffering and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. Our legal team at Farahi Law Firm understands the emotional strain and trauma of these events, so we are committed to providing you with a safe space for justice.

Don’t suffer in silence any longer. Contact us today for your free, 100% confidential consultation. Together we can make sure that perpetrators are brought to justice and that children are protected from violence and abuse.

We are here to listen, support, and fight for you!
100% confidential. No fees unless we win.

Juvenile Detention Camp Abuse:
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)?

The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was implemented in 2003 to address the growing issue of sexual abuse and assault in correctional facilities. PREA is a federal mandate that requires all detention centers and juvenile institutions to adhere to a strict set of guidelines for preventing and responding to incidents of sexual violence. This includes training staff, upholding safety protocols, and providing victims of sexual assault with access to mental health services.

Is filing a lawsuit for sexual abuse in juvenile detention
centers possible?

Yes. If you or someone you know has experienced any form of sexual violence while in custody at a juvenile facility, it is possible to file a lawsuit against the institution or staff members responsible for the abuse. An experienced attorney can help survivors seek reparations and justice while ensuring that the perpetrators are held accountable for their actions.

What should I do if I or someone I know has experienced sexual abuse in juvenile detention?

If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual assault in a juvenile facility, it is important to reach out and get help. Make sure to contact a legal professional who can provide advice on how to proceed with filing a lawsuit. Call us at 866-348-7177.

It is also important to seek mental health services in order to begin the healing process. Many institutions offer hotlines for those wishing to submit confidential reports anonymously, so make sure to take advantage of these resources if needed. Above all, remember that speaking out can lead to justice and healing.

Are there any time limits to filing a claim for sexual abuse against a juvenile detention facility?

Yes. Each state has a time limit known as the statute of limitations, which determines how long you have to file a civil lawsuit after an incident of sexual assault takes place. Depending on your state and circumstances, this can range from one to six years or longer. Contact us immediately at 866-348-7177 if you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual abuse in order to ensure that your rights are preserved.

Do I need an attorney to file a lawsuit against a juvenile detention center?

Yes. It is important to reach out to a qualified attorney who has experience with filing a lawsuit versus a juvenile detention facility in order to ensure that your legal rights are fully protected. Our team at Farahi Law Firm has the resources and expertise necessary to help you seek justice and reparations for your pain and suffering.

I’m scared to file a case against the juvenile facility where I was abused. What do I do?

We understand how difficult and intimidating the process of filing a lawsuit against a juvenile institution can be. We want to assure you that our team is here to provide support, guidance, and advocacy throughout the entire process. We are committed to providing a safe legal space for survivors of sexual assault in juvenile detention centers so that they can seek justice without fear.

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No matter the circumstances, Farahi Law Firm is here to help. We understand that filing a lawsuit against a juvenile detention center can be an overwhelming process, and we are here to ensure
that your voice is heard.

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